Friday, May 18, 2007

what a day

I don't know why, but I feel amazing today! Just in a good mood, got things done, just a really great day (and it is beautiful outside!!!)

Monday, May 14, 2007

effin SWEET!!!

I got some of my stuff in the mail today for the ride, a new jersey, some gloves, some sunglasses... all in all, I nearly look like a professional. Later this week, the rest of my attire should arrive.

Unfortunately, what I thought was just allergies, seems to have turned into something a bit more serious... like a sinus infection and maybe a chest cold. UGH!!! This can't happen right now. Anyway, I am just kind of dealing with this nagging, unproductive cough.

I really need to be packing but I am just not feeling it today! Oh well, we'll see.

New Meds

So I got a thorough talking to from my doctor for not calling him to tell him my side effects were continuing. I told him they weren't that bad, and I had seen far worse, so I decided to wait till my regular appointment. Needless to say, he dropped the 2 meds that were causing the trouble, and added a new one. Allegedly, it has very few side effects... I hope that is true.

This week is moving week... I am supposed to be packing everything up... I am not being very successful in that endeavor.

Friday, May 11, 2007


So last night wrapped up the last of my finals, neither of them went very well, but oh well. I will keep grades that are all passing no matter how poorly I did on them. I pretty much hate Basic Chemistry, and even though it is the one that I hate the most, my grade in there is really good. It is the class that I really like that is killing me... Spanish 2. I am planning on studying Latin American Studies when I am at K-State and therefore need to be at least at a Spanish 4 level, although my goal is fluency. I am hoping it gets easier when Jaime and I are living together, simply because I have a better chance at immersion.

Tomorrow is the last doctors appointment before my ride, so needless to say, I am a bit nervous. It is also my first one since the meds all began. I am really hoping that it all comes back normal. That maybe, just maybe, the viral load is way down. We'll see. Most of my side effects have seemed to have worn off, now I am just dealing with some extreme fatigue still, and who doesn't like to nap? Speaking of the ride, I am only $700 away from my required minimum fundraising of $2500! That is really amazing considering that last month, I was $1500 away! This whole thing is really coming up on me fast. I can't wait for next year, when I have an entire year to prepare and fundraise!

Today, I get to take my baby for a haircut! I have one of the cutest little Wire Fox Terriers that you have ever seen. His name is Chance, and he is pretty much crazier than a shithouse rat (for you non-rednecks, that means he has lost his damn mind). Anyway, one of my favorite lesbians in town owns a grooming place, so I figured I would try her out. I hope Chance doesn't bite her... he has his habits. Damn kids...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Pop Goes The Cherry

So I figure that you have to start somewhere, so here it goes...

I figure I should give you a little background info on me.

I am 30 years old, living in Kansas (yes by choice), I have a wonderful partner who I have been with for almost 13 months, I am returning to college (after 13 years away, it has been a wild ride), and I am HIV +.

As I mentioned, I am in a relationship, making me the positive side of a "magnetic" relationship. The issues that face a couple like ours are surprisingly not all that different than those that face normal couples... we fight over the usual sex, money, and time more than anything, and of course we have the silly fights that everyone loves (like what to eat for dinner... I mean really, can't he just effin choose something?). Overall, ours is a great relationship, and we certainly have a little deeper understanding of the importance of our time together than most couples. I am also significantly older than him, so we also have issues of me being a bit too parental, not that he isn't guilty of the same thing with me. I just sometimes have to remember that I was young once too, and notoriously did stupid things.

Going back to school has been really fun, I have been studying at the local community college for the last 2 years. I have been really successful at it (with the exception of this semester), and decided to transfer to Kansas State University this summer. That transition hasn't been easy since I have to give up my health insurance and prescription plan, opting instead for student health care, combined with Ryan White CARE Act drug coverage... very scary!

I am quite healthy, with CD4 counts of 794 and a Viral Load of 90k. Last month my doctor started me on meds as a preemptive strike. The side effects have really been kicking my ass, but seem to be fading a little with some manipulation. Speaking of which I need to take my meds... brb... there, did you miss me? I am on a combo of Lexiva, Norvir, and Truvada. As I understand it, a very common opening combo.

I am also preparing to ride in AIDS/Lifecycle 6, a 545 mile bike ride in June that I am completely unprepared for. The rides mission is to raise money and awareness for HIV related services. It has been tough. But I have 23 days left to go... I am scared shitless!

Anyway, that is enough background info for now... I will try to post at least 3 times a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, but that is my goal. I am gonna try to write as freely as possible, a true window into my poz new world.